Welcome to spooky season! If you celebrate Halloween, we hope you have a wonderful evening of trick or treating, or just treating the kids who swing by your residence.
Demon Spore and ChainStaff Go To SXSW Sydney
Null traveled down under in October, jetting off to the sunny land of Australia to visit SXSW Sydney with Demon Spore and ChainStaff. Obviously that is a long trip to make, but we were happy to show off our upcoming games to the Australian attendees, attend a number of talks and roundtables revolving around Australia’s gaming community, and schedule a number of meetings with developers hoping to pitch their games to us.

In addition, Demon Spore’s Ed Kay was invited as a speaker, and hit the main stage of Sydney’s Alienware Arena to chat about Demon Spore’s unique features and development as part of the event’s Midnighters panel about spooky and creepy games, fitting for an event taking place in October.

Athena Crisis Update
It’s been just over a month since Athena Crisis launched, and there have already been a bevy of updates and improvements for the game’s passionate community. There are new unit costumes, new skills, and a ton of balancing changes to improve the flow of gameplay; you can find out more information in our Monthly Update right here.
Invasions remain a very popular feature; I’ll regularly log in to spectate a match only to find it filling up with people eager to help or hinder the original player. I actually tried to join the match below only to find it full before I was able to hop in! At least I got to take advantage of my 21:9 monitor for this very wide map as I spectated it to the outcome.

If you haven’t bought Athena Crisis yet, be sure to follow or wishlist it on Steam to be alerted to any upcoming discounts.
I have never traditionally been much of a Halloween person; most of the people in my friend group get the whole “dressing up” stuff out of their system for our friends’ costume-themed New Years Eve party and a summer camping event every year, and my neighborhood in Oakland is not really a hotbed of trick or treaters (they mostly, and smartly, hop over to Alameda island to get the good candy). This year, however, my wife is pretty excited about the costume she got for my dog, so we’re going to be taking him out and letting him show it off for the kids. (Keep an eye on the Null social channels to get pics of all of our costumed pets today!)
And if you’re in the U.S., please don’t forget to vote!

Your Pup of the Month is Maple Syrup! You already know where she falls on the “trick or treat” divide!