Play Streetdog BMX At The X Games!

By Matthew Rorie


Streetdog BMX is coming to the X Games! That’s right, we’re bringing the latest and greatest version of the game to Ventura, California, where attendees will get a chance to get their hands on Streetdog BMX - potentially for the very first time. 

We’re all really excited to show off Streetdog BMX to all the attendees of the X Games and we’ll have plenty of stations set up to do so. If you come over to Venue A (near the Street Park and Moto courses), you’ll find the Streetdog BMX tent near the X Games Merch Store. Adam Hunt, the game’s developer, and popular BMX Youtuber The Old Potato will be on hand to help you get started playing and answer any questions you might have!

In addition, we’ll have some X Games-exclusive goodies to give away, so please do come by the Streetdog BMX tent and give the game a whirl! The tent will be open from 10 AM to 8 PM every day, so you’ll have plenty of time to try the game out in between seeing sequential 900s in the Vert Park and 100 foot jumps at the Moto area. We’ll see you there! If you can't make it, please keep an eye on the Streetdog BMX social accounts for pictures and updates from the event.